This country needs our elected lawmakers to think. Not to come up with ways to force their own beliefs down the throats of others. Not to find ways to spread their agendas. They need to consider how their actions impact the country as a whole. 

Those Republican senators still pushing the lies trump created and spread should be ashamed of yourselves. You took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, both foreign and domestic as much as your military counterparts did. And yet you’re willing to sacrifice Constitutional rights of anyone who disagrees with you in favor of a bunch of low information voters who don’t care if there is any validity to trump’s claims because they fit their view of what the world is. Even if that ideal is a delusion. You are either also low information as well in which case you shouldn’t be in charge of making nor enforcing laws as you obviously don’t bother to make the effort to learn whether something is a lie or not or you KNOW it’s false information and are manipulating those low information voters to your advantage based on what you know to be lies which means you are corrupt. 

You need to think about what it means not to convict Donald J Trump for his actions over the full term of his presidency. By not prosecuting him for his crimes, you are giving license to future presidents that they are above the law and can do whatever they want, regardless of the laws of this country and Constitution be damned. And this does not just apply to Republican presidents, but also Democratic presidents. 

Democrats, you need to think about what you are allowing Republicans to get away with. They have repeatedly changed the rules to fit their agendas. As a result they have run roughshod over the Constitution and violated the rules and made rules that allowed them to violate and deny the civil rights of hundreds of thousands of voters. You need to put your collective foot down and stop bending to their will. You need to put a stop to them changing the rules to fit their agenda then changing them back to deny Democrats the very same freedoms. Mitch McConnell denied President Obama’s pick for the Supreme Court saying he couldn’t appoint one during an election year then the VERY NEXT ELECTION, HE FACILITATED DONALD TRUMP APPOINTING ONE IN THE LAST TWO MONTHS BEFORE THE ELECTION. This kind of corruption needs to END. 

You as elected officials have a responsibility to uphold the Constitution. Those of you insisting that trump did nothing wrong need to take a Constitutional refresher course. Trump violated multiple Constitutional laws. He began before he even gained the White House. He started by attacking the First Amendment. Then he violated the Emoluments clause. And it goes downhill from there. And now, the Republicans acting against the rightfully elected president and refusing to prosecute trump are subject to section 3 of the 14th Amendment as you are in violation of your oath. And you should lose your seats.

It is time for honesty in politics. Long past time. It sounds like a pipe dream or delusional but continuing to lie to low information voters will lead to the demise of the Democratic Republic. We have two choices. Keep the Democratic Republic and conform to the Constitution or contribute to the chaos. When you contribute to the Chaos, you put us as a whole at risk to our enemies. DIVIDED WE FALL. 

Donald J Trump disgraced the office of the Presidency. He committed criminal acts repeatedly. He did so with the attitude that he is president and that makes him free and clear of prosecution. Is that really a message you want to send to future presidents? Or for that matter ANY current and future office holders?

PS. I don’t know who the artist is for the photo but It wasn’t me. Kudos to the excellent work.

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